Its time to pass on my home away from home, its ready for its next adventure.
Comes with various camping gear, chairs, sleeping bags, blankets, a nice gas bbq, see pictures for more details or feel free to message for details.
A few quirks about this van, the KMs on the dash says 283,000 however the van had a full engine replacement by the previous owner. All I know is what I was told, that the replacement engine had less than 150,000km, I've done less than 20.000km meaning that the engine has done around 170,000km. There is paper work with the van detailing the engine replacement. The engine sounds and feels mint, this is a lovely vehicle to drive.
A side effect of the replacement engine is that the check engine light comes on at random. The guy I bought the van from told me this had been checked over by Toyota and their was no issues. I have had no issues at all despite this.
The van comes with a second battery that powers the fridge in the back. The van comes with a toilet for if the buyer chooses to get it blue stickered, I ended up parking on my colleagues drive while I was away so never got around to doing the conversion.
The bed is very comfortable, the curtains make it very dark. Comes with a Bluetooth radio transmitter/charger.
Inside is very tidy, outside is about what you would expect from a black vehicles of this age (not tidy but not too bad either).
Battery is brand new, and comes with a new WOF and a months rego.
Price is $5000 firm in Taranaki, $6000 in Auckland or Wellington.